Thursday, December 26, 2019
How to Conjugate the Verb Vedere in Italian
An irregular verb of the second conjugation, vedere is used in Italian to mean to see visually, to run into someone, to understand something, and to see socially and romantically, Transitive With Direct Object In its simplest transitive construction, vedere takes, of course, the auxiliary avere, and a simple direct object: Vedo la tua casa! I see your house!Oggi ho visto un bel vestito. Today I saw a nice dress. Like in English, the act of seeing is different from watching or looking, which is guardare, but in Italian vedere is used for things for which watching would be used: You can say, ieri abbiamo visto la partita (yesterday we saw the game), but also, ieri ho guardato la partita (yesterday I watched the game). Same for a movie or a show. Transitive With an Infinitive or Subordinate Sentence The object of vedere can also be a subordinate clause announced by che or also another verb: Ho visto Giovanni andarsene. I saw Giovanni leaving.Da casa mia vedo il sole sorgere dal mare. From my house I see the sun rise from the sea.Vedo che questa settimana pioverà . I see that this week its going to rain. In the constructions with che, vedere can be literal seeing, but most often it means to understand, to conclude, to gather, to perceive, or to get. Non vedo il problema. I dont see the problem.Vedo che non hai voglia di parlare. I see that you dont feel like talking.Ma non lo vedi che Alessia non à ¨ felice? Dont you see that Alessia is unhappy? Coupled with fare, vedere means to show: Ti faccio vedere la mia casa. Ill show you my house.Fammi vedere il tuo paese! Show me your town! Vederci To speak about seeing specifically as relates to eyesight, vedere is more commonly used as vederci pronominal, still conjugated with avere: Non ci vedo bene. I dont see well.Per anni non ci ho visto bene; poi ho preso gli occhiali. For years I didnt see well; then I got glasses. Reflexive, Impersonal, and Passive In the reflexive, vedersi, with the auxiliary essere, means to see oneself (in the mirror or otherwise); in the reciprocal (to see each other) it means to run into or to frequent socially or romantically, like in English. Non ci vediamo da molto tempo. We have not seen each other in a long time.Ci siamo visti laltra sera. We saw each other the other evening. In the impersonal and passive, with the si as one, we, everyone: Si vede il mare da qui. One can see the sea from here.Mario non si vede da tanto tempo in giro. Mario has not been seen around for a long time. Also with the impersonal si, mostly in the present tense, vedere is used for conjecture or drawing a conclusion, No visto Luca con unaltra ragazza; si vede che lui e Maria non stanno pià ¹ insieme. I saw Luca with another girl; I guess (it can be surmised) that he and Maria are no longer seeing each other.Ancora non à ¨ arrivata; si vede che ha fatto tardi. She has not arrived yet; I guess she is running late. The tables below contain vedere in various uses, with essere and avere in the compound tenses (depending on the use). Vedere has several irregular tenses in addition to an irregular participio passato, visto. Note that another participio passato is also usedââ¬âvedutoââ¬âwhich is accepted but falling increasingly into disuse. Indicativo Presente: Present Indicative A regular presente. Io vedo Non ci vedo niente. I can't see anything. Tu vedi Quando vedi la mamma? When are you seeing mom? Lui, lei, Lei vede Elena vede il mare tutti i giorni. Elena sees the sea every day. Noi vediamo Dove ci vediamo? Where should we meet? Voi vedete Da quanto tempo non vedete il vostro cane? You have not seen your dog since when? Loro, Loro vedono Loro si vedono da molto tempo. They have been seeing each other for a long time. Indicativo Passato Prossimo: Present Perfect Indicative The passato prossimo, made with the presente of the auxiliary and the passato prossimo, visto. Note the essere and avere and the changing passato prossimo. Io ho visto Non ci ho visto niente finchà © non ho comprato gli occhiali. I didn't see anything until I bought glasses. Tu hai visto Hai visto la mamma ieri? Did you see mom yesterday? Lui, lei, Lei ha visto In Francia, Elena ha visto il mare. In France, Elena saw the sea. Noi abbiamo visto/ci siamo visti/e Ci siamo visti ieri sera al bar. We saw each other last night at the bar. Voi avete visto Avete visto il vostro cane oggi? Did you see your dog today? Loro, Loro hanno visto/si sono visti/e Si sono viste allo specchio nel negozio. They saw themselves in the mirror at the store. Indicativo Imperfetto: Imperfect Indicative A regular imperfetto Io vedevo Da bambina non ci vedevo niente. As a child I couldn't see anything. Tu vedevi Quando abitavi qui vedevi la mamma tutti i giorni. When you lived here you saw mom every day. Lui, lei, Lei vedeva A Napoli, Elena vedeva il mare tutti i giorni. In Naples Elena saw the sea every day. Noi vedevamo Quando eravamo ragazzi ci vedevamo sempre in piazza o al bar. When we were kids we'd get together/see each other always in piazza or at the bar. Voi vedevate Da quando non vedevate il vostro cane? You had not seen your dog since when? Loro, Loro vedevano Da bambine, quando si vedevano allo specchio ridevano. When they were little, when they saw themselves in the mirror they would laugh! Indicativo Passato Remoto: Indicative Remote Past An irregular passato remoto. Io vidi Quando la luce si spense non ci vidi pià ¹. When the light went out I couldn't see anything. Tu vedesti Quando vedesti la mamma a Parigi che faceste? When you saw mom in Paris what did you do? Lui, lei, Lei vide Elena vide il mare la prima volta quando aveva cinquantanni. Elena saw the sea for the first time when she was 50. Noi vedemmo Ci vedemmo al bar e brindammo. We met at the bar and we toasted. Voi vedeste Quando vedeste il cane al canile lo adottaste. When you saw the dog at the shelter, you adopted him. Loro, Loro videro Quando si videro allo specchio per la prima volta risero. When they saw themselves in the mirror for the first time they laughed. Indicativo Trapassato Prossimo: Indicative Past Perfect The trapassato prossimo, made of the imperfetto of the auxiliary and the passato prossimo. Io avevo visto Non ci avevo visto niente dall'età di dieci anni. I had not seen anything/I had seen poorly since I was 10. Tu avevi visto Avevi visto la mamma prima di partire? Had you seen mom before leaving? Lui, lei, Lei aveva visto Elena aveva visto il mare a Napoli e gli era piaciuto molto. Elena had seen the sea in Naples and she had liked it very much. Noi avevamo visto/ci eravamo visti/e Noi ci eravamo viste molto quell'anno. We had seen each other a lot that year. Voi avevate visto Avevate visto un altro cane che vi piaceva? Had you seen another dog you liked? Loro, Loro avevano visto/si erano visti/e Le bambine si erano viste allo specchio e avevano riso. The girls had seen themselves in the mirror and they had laughed. Indicativo Trapassato Remoto: Indicative Preterite Perfect The trapassato remoto, a remote storytelling tense made of the passato remoto of the auxiliary and the past participle. Io ebbi visto Quando diventai cieca capii che ci ebbi visto l'ultima volta. When I became blind, I realized that I had seen for the last time. Tu avesti visto Quando avesti visto la mamma la abbracciasti. When you saw mom you hugged her. Lui, lei, Lei ebbe visto Appena che Elena ebbe visto il mare, ci si tuffà ² dentro. As soon as Elena saw the sea, she jumped in. Noi avemmo visto/ci fummo visti/e Appena che ci fummo visti, ci abbracciammo. As soon as we had seen each other, we hugged. Voi aveste visto Dopo che aveste visto il cane, lo prendeste subito. After you had seen the dog, you took him immediately. Loro, Loro ebbero visto/si furono visti/e Dopo che si furono viste allo specchio, le bambine risero. After the girls had seen themselves in the mirror, they laughed. Indicativo Futuro Semplice: Indicative Simple Future An irregular futuro semplice. As in English, it has a nice premonitory voice. Io vedrà ² Senza occhiali non ci vedrà ² pià ¹ niente. Without glasses I will see nothing. Tu vedrai Quando vedrai la mamma sarai felice. When you see mom you will be happy. Lui, lei, Lei vedrà Quando Elena vedrà il mare sarà felice. When Elena sees the sea, she will be happy. Noi vedremo Quando ci vedremo di nuovo? When will we see each other again? Voi vedrete Quando vedrete il vostro cane sarete felici. When you see your dog you will be happy. Loro, Loro vedranno Quando le bambine si vedranno nello specchio rideranno. When the little girls see themselves in the mirror, they will laugh. Indicativo Futuro Anteriore: Indicative Future Perfect The futuro anteriore, made of the simple future of the auxiliary and the past participle. Io avrà ² visto Quando ci avrà ² visto di nuovo sarà ² felice. When I will have seen again, I will be happy. Tu avrai visto Domani a quest'ora avrai visto la mamma. Tomorrow at this time you will have seen mom. Lui, lei, Lei avrà visto Dopo che Elena avrà visto il mare di Napoli, ci comprerà la casa. After Elena will have seen the sea of Naples, she will buy a house there. Noi avremo visto/ci saremo visti/e Quando ci saremo viste di nuovo ti racconterà ² il mio segreto. When we will have seen each other again, I will tell you my secret. Voi avrete visto Sarete felici dopo che avrete visto il vostro cane. You will be happy once you see your dog. Loro, Loro avranno visto/si saranno visti/e Dopo che le bambine si saranno viste allo specchio, vorranno senz'altro togliersi il vestito. After the girls will have seen themselves in the mirror, they will certainly want to take off their dress. Congiuntivo Presente: Present Subjunctive A regular congiuntivo presente. Che io veda Il dottore vuole che ci veda. The doctor wants me to see. Che tu veda Spero che tu veda la mamma oggi. I hope you see mom today. Che lui, lei, Lei veda Credo che Elena adesso veda il mare tutti i giorni. I believe that Elena sees the sea every day now. Che noi vediamo Dove vuoi che ci vediamo? Where do you want us to meet up/see each other? Che voi vediate Spero che vediate il vostro cane in giornata. I hope that you will see your dog within the day. Che loro, Loro vedano Voglio che le bambine si vedano allo specchio. I want the girls to see themselves in the mirror. Congiuntivo Passato: Present Perfect Subjunctive An irregular congiuntivo passato, made of the present subjunctive of the auxiliary and the past participle. Che io abbia visto Il dottore non pensa che ci abbia visto niente. The doctor doesn't think I saw anything. Che tu abbia visto Spero che tu abbia visto la mamma ieri. I hope you saw mom yesterday. Che lui, lei, Lei abbia visto Voglio che Elena abbia visto il mare e abbia comprato casa. I want for Elena to have seen the sea and to have bought her house. Che noi abbiamo visto/ci siamo visti/e Nonostante ieri ci siamo viste, ancora non ti ho detto il mio segreto. Though yesterday we saw each other, I fear I still have not told you my secret. Che voi abbiate visto Sono felice che abbiate visto il vostro cane! I am happy you saw your dog! Che loro, Loro abbiano visto/si siano visti/e Credo che le bambine si siano viste allo specchio. I think the girls saw themselves in the mirror. Congiuntivo Imperfetto: Imperfect Subjunctive A regular congiuntivo imperfetto. Che io vedessi Il dottore sperava che ci vedessi. The doctor hoped that I would see. Che tu vedessi Vorrei che tu vedessi la mamma oggi. I wish you would see mom today. Che lui, lei, Lei vedesse Speravo che Elena vedesse il mare oggi. I was hoping that Elena would see the sea today. Che noi vedessimo Vorrei che ci vedessimo stasera. I wish that we would see each other/get together tonight. Che voi vedeste Pensavo che vedeste il vostro cane oggi. I thought you would see your dog today. Che loro, Loro vedessero Volevo che le bambine si vedessero allo specchio con i vestiti. I wanted the girls to see themselves in the mirror with their dresses. Congiuntivo Trapassato: Past Perfect Subjunctive An irregular trapassato prossimo, made of the imperfetto congiuntivo of the auxiliary and the past participle. Che io avessi visto Il dottore vorrebbe che ci avessi visto. The doctor wishes that I had seen. Che tu avessi visto Vorrei che tu avessi visto la mamma. I wish that you had seen mom. Che lui, lei, Lei avesse visto Avrei voluto che Elena avesse visto il mare. I wished that Elena had seen the sea. Che noi avessimo visto/ci fossimo visti/e Avrei voluto che ci fossimo viste. I wished that we had seen each other. Che voi aveste visto Temevo che non aveste visto il vostro cane oggi. I feared that you had not seen your dog today. Che loro, Loro avessero visto/si fossero visti/e Avrei voluto che le bambine si fossero viste allo specchio. I had wished that the girls had seen themselves in the mirror. Condizionale Presente: Present Conditional An irregular condizionale presente. Io vedrei Ci vedrei se avessi gli occhiali. I would see if I had glasses. Tu vedresti Quando vedresti la mamma domani? When would you see mom tomorrow? Lui, lei, Lei vedrebbe Elena vedrebbe un bel mare se venisse a Napoli. Elena would see a beautiful sea if she came to Naples. Noi vedremmo Ci vedremmo se avessimo tempo. We would see each other if we had time. Voi vedreste Vedreste il vostro cane se non fosse tardi. Lo vedrete domani! You would see your dog if it were not late. You will see him tomorrow! Loro, Loro vedrebbero Le bambine si vedrebbero volentieri allo specchio. The girls would see themselves gladly in the mirror. Condizionale Passato: Perfect Conditional Irregular, this condizionale passato is made of the present conditional of the auxiliary and the past participle. Io avrei visto Ci avrei visto se avessi comprato gli occhiali. I would have seen had I bought glasses. Tu avresti visto Avresti visto la mamma se tu fossi venuta. You would have seen mom had you come. Lui, lei, Lei avrebbe visto Elena avrebbe visto un mare bellissimo se fosse venuta a Napoli. Elena would have seen a beautiful sea had she come to Naples. Noi avremmo visto/ci saremmo visti/e Se tu avessi potuto, ci saremmo viste ieri. If you had been able to, we would have seen each other yesterday. Voi avreste visto Avreste visto il vostro cane ieri se non fosse stato tardi. You would have seen your dog yesterday had it not been late. Loro, Loro avrebbero visto/si sarebbero visti/e Senza specchio, le bambine non avrebbero visto i loro vestiti. Without a mirror, the girls would not have seen their dresses. Imperativo: Imperative Tu vedi Vedi te! See for yourself! Lui, lei, Lei veda Veda Lei! You see (formal)! Noi vediamo O vediamo! Let's see! Voi vedete Vedete voi! You all see! Loro, Loro vedano Ma che vedano loro! May they see! Infinito: Infinitive The infinito vedere is used as a noun and often used with helping verbs. Non poter vedere (metaphorically) means to not stand someone; with stare, stare a vedere means to wait and see. Vedere 1. Mi fai vedere la tua casa? 2. Non vedo l'ora di vederti. 1. Will you show me your house? 2. I can't wait to see you. Avere visto Averti vista qui mi ha reso felice. Having seen you here made my happy. Vedersi 1. Paola e Simona non si possono vedere. 2. Mi ha fatto bene vederti. 3. Vederci à ¨ stato bello. 1. Paola and Simona can't stand each other. 2. It was good for me to see you. 3. It was nice for us to see each other. Essersi visto/a/i/e Non essersi visti per molto tempo non ha giovato alla loro amicizia. Not having seen each other for a long time was not good for their friendship. Participio Presente Passato: Present Past Participle The present participle, vedente, is used most rarely; the participio passato in the visto form, on the other hand, is widely used as a noun and as an adjective, to express how one is perceived or viewed. For example, ben visto means well thought of. Vista also means view and sight. And, if you have been to Italy, surely you have heard of a visto and you might have needed one to stay. Vedente Visto/a/i/e 1. Il professore à ¨ visto con molto rispetto. 2. Vista dall'esterno, la situazione non à ¨ molto positiva. 3. Sei una vista stupenda. 1. The professor is viewed/thought of with great respect. 2. The situation, seen from the outside, is not very positive. 3. You are a beautiful sight. Gerundio Presente Passato: Present Past Gerund The gerundà is used in both present and past form to set up subordinate clauses as complemento oggetto, or object complement. Vedendo 1. Vedendo il tramonto, Luisa si à ¨ emozionata. 2. Vedendo che non volevo restare, Franco mi ha lasciata andare. 1. Seeing the sunset, Luisa was moved. 2. Seeing that I didn't want to stay, Franco let me go. Avendo visto 1. Avendo visto tramontare il sole, sono andata a letto felice. 2. Avendo visto la situazione, Barbara ha deciso che era meglio andare. 1. Having seen the sun set, I went to bed happy. 2. Having seen/understood the situation, Barbara decided that it was best to leave. Vedendosi 1. Vedendosi allo specchio, Lucia ha sorriso.2. Vedendoci sempre, non ci accorgiamo dei cambiamenti. 1. Seeing herself in the mirror, Lucia smiled. 2. Seeing one another all the time, we don't notice the changes. Essendosi visto/a/i/e Essendosi visti recentemente, non hanno parlato a lungo. Having seen each other recently, they didn't talk long.
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Essay on The Suffering of the Proud - 616 Words
The Suffering of the Proud Pride is a key to self-respect; however, when it goes to far, people forget that humility is a virtue too. In the play Antigone, pride plays a major role throughout, appearing as fatal flaws in both Antigone and Kreon, the main characters of Sophoclesââ¬â¢s tragedy. For Antigone and Kreon, as soon as the stepped past the line of humility, they were doomed to fail. For example, Kreon became so proud of himself he refused to listen to others warnings and assumes the gods are on his side. ââ¬Å"But didnââ¬â¢t that girl do wrong?ââ¬â¢ ââ¬ËThe whole nation denies it.ââ¬â¢ ââ¬ËWill the nation tell me what orders I can give?â⬠(Kreon, Haimon, Kreon 881-3) this is a perfect example, because he refuses to listen to his son, and then, whenâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦He accuses the sentry who brings news of the burial, of being the culprit, and of course the only reason is because he is the closest person, but Kreon doesnââ¬â¢t care. He exclaims to his advisor, ââ¬Å"You are an old man, are you senile?â⬠(Kreon 353). He insults and degrades his own advisor, someone he is supposed to trust implicitly. The final, ultimate sign that he thinks he is better than everyone comes when his son, Haimon, confronts him. He refuses to even listen to his suggestions, degrades him, calling him too young, too idealistic, and under the co ntrol of a woman. Kreon then tries to kill Haimonââ¬â¢s fiancà ©, right in front of him. Though the people in power control a nation directly, but the people in general indirectly control who rules them, if they want, and so a cruel or malevolent ruler, will always fall, and often violently. Finally, Antigone was so proud she could not try and change what was wrong, she just broke a law, and a law, weather right or wrong, should never be broken. ââ¬Å"Do you dare, despite Kreon? [Violate his laws]ââ¬â¢ ââ¬ËHe cannot keep me from my ownâ⬠(Ismene, Antigone 54-5). This is a perfect example of Antigoneââ¬â¢s refusal to talk or reason with Kreon, and to just act, without thinking, and deciding that her morals are more important that the law of the land. She also refuses to back down, even once she is captured. Some people might argue that she is standing up for what she believes in, but if she had killedShow MoreRelatedMyths Are A Valuable Source Of Archetypes Of Human Attitudes914 Words à |à 4 Pagespresent the image of the contemporary worldview and system of values. They represent attitudes and patterns of timeless values, and raise the universal content. One of the most frequent themes of myths is the context of suffering. Suffering is not onlyt the dom ain of people, but suffering also affects gods and goddesses. Although Niobe and Demeter belonged to a fellowship of queens and goddesses, just like mortals they had to cope with adversity; they struggled with vices, and suffered pain. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019
New Venture Management and Development
Questions: Demonstrate a critical understanding of the material introduced throughout the module. Critically evaluate subject matter using examples and academic support from a wide range of sources. Answers: Introduction Everyone in a room of Bay Area restaurant will deliberate about the shortages of labor, affordability crisis, increasing costs, as well as lack of the late-night transportation. Precisely, a great number of these problems remain systemic and hence cannot be tackled by a single industry, despite chefs frequently proposing the provision of housing for cooks or owning a Bay Area Rapid Transit system which operates throughout the night (Arikan 2008). The consumer always spend money on dine-out food compared to groceries; this has been so pronounced in the Bay Area whereby new restaurants appear to open weekly. This growth ironically comes at the point where the rent, food and labor cost are fast rising. The affordability crisis influences both commercial and residential rents for which there is no control of rent. It implies that Cardiff Bay Area is extremely expensive for the average restaurant workers to live. Therefore, while the minimum wage is rising as well as cost of labor keeps surging up, restauranteurs are trying to discover mechanisms to pay workers even more to retain them in Cardiff Bay Area (Shafer, Smith and Linder 2005). Moreover, in the face of the hiked wages in the Bay Area, the absence of affordable housing options implies there are just no adequate employees to work in the restaurants. The restauranteurs are quite literally hitting the tipping point, or as certain restauranteurs have been referring it, peak restaurant (Schneider and Spieth 2013). In particular ways, the Cardiff Bay Area has never been quite interesting, obvious from recognition. Chefs are preparing delicious meals as well as new, innovative terms are attracting dinners as well as critics in the same manner. Nevertheless, an enormous part of growth in the restaurant industry is directly linked to Cardiff Bay Areas rigorous economy. This economy has witnessed record job growth of its individuals with the minimum unemployment rate in the neighborhood rising. This growth has culminated into a new pool of investors in the restaurant industry-tech employees as well as venture capitalist that love the cache that the ownership of restaurant can bring without working in the restaurant (Schimmer, Geschuhn and Vogler 2015). Individual restaurant investors, dissimilar to banks, will take an advantage of a chef or restaurant terms which resonates. The well-remunerated employees flush with cash, several of whom have kept pace with the Food Network as well as have undertaken to photograph their food, are happy to make restaurant their social activity. This paper will hence critically explore the key barricades to commencing new venture within the Cardiff Bay Areas restaurant industry given the current economic climate (Osterwalder, Pigneur and Tucci 2005). Market Research Even though there is talk of the Cardiff Bay Area restaurant future featuring iPad ordering and robots serving drinks as well as preparing food, it has not been the norm of the industry. Indeed, the restaurant economic model has not altered extensively in the past eighty years, when the Golden Gate Restaurant Association (GGRA) was established. What has altered is the diminishing unionized restaurants that was a famous phenomenon in the Cardiff Bay Area tracing back to the Gold Rush. Presently, unionized restaurants solely exist in the enormous event facilities such as stadiums, hotels, airports as well as private clubs. Nevertheless, the diminishing unionization as well as the gains linked to them has culminated in the modern day backlash thereby brining these gains back. Whether it remains the Fight for fifteen dollar, new healthcare regulations as well as state and local paid-leave ordinances, such regulatory efforts are anchored in the union model of how these restaurants once ra n in many cities. Nevertheless, the contemporarys restaurant cost structure remains strained since the regulation patchwork and wages establish across different jurisdiction, besides the business models structured to maintain prices low enough to encourage dinning out per day. The barrier to market research for the new ventures in the restaurant industry relates to the increasing number of issues that must be made clear prior to actualizing the business plan. This is coupled with stiff competition, shortage of labor, marketing and even public relation (Number 2013). The market researchers for new venture must ensure that they avail facts that will help the firm to make a rational decision on whether to enter or opt not to enter the industry. Such questions that must be answered here include: Can the new venture staff maintain food quality as well as services How can the new restaurant build a sustainable restaurant brand which keeps it at the point of bust and boom cycle? How can the restaurant instill customer loyalty Will the requirement to increase prices bar customers from visiting the new restaurant Can the delivery service for meals stretch the brand as well as assist in finding new customers? Answering the above market research question is not a simple task since the industry keeps on changing tactics and rivals firms do not rest in coming up with new strategies to outstrip one another. Competitive Strategy Whereas the Cardiff Bay Areas restaurant community remains increasingly collaborative as well as supportive of each other compared to many other regions, competition stays fierce. The restaurants fiercely compete for workers, dinners, as well as public relations making it had for new ventures to start operations. These restaurants are not solely competing against each other, but also competes against the delivery of meal services which prepare their individual food, non-restaurant industry jobs as well as tech companies with enormous kitchen operations. These makes the competitive strategy for new entries to face serious challenges. Moreover, the restaurants jobs cannot remain competitive with the benefits, salaries as well as vacation time provide by other industries. The operational costs and the number of seats as well as turns in the industry vary, permitting certain restaurants to be increasingly generous in wages, benefits and salaries than in others thereby creating a barrier to entry. Many restaurants have been driven out of the restaurant industry by the affordability crisis and hence restaurants must bullish about hiring as well as retaining workforce, that implies poaching from others and hence a barrier to entry. As whereas this competition remains a boom to the workforce, it is really hiking up the labor cost which makes it even harder for new restaurants to enter. Some firms like Target and Walgreens that were once focused on the business of personal items alongside household commodities have entered the industry and are currently in the business of food preparation creating stiffer competition than before. Moreover, the food trucks as well as mobile street carts have proliferated the industry thereby making the restaurants to have an even wider cohort of competitors that cannot be withstand by new entrants. Non-restaurant establishments have remained cheaper in many cases than a comparable restaurants because these users lack same overhead costs. Consequently, such a price difference really matters to the consumers and hence for restaurants to compete for customers, they must reduce prices of food against the hiked costs of food preparation hence a barrier to entry. The game of public relation is another area that creates increasing barrier to entry for new restaurants. Many restaurants engage in fierce competition to make it to the top list. They want their new brunch, menu relaunch, happy hour as well as chef to attract new dinners. They are also concerned whether the entrance of new restaurants will undermine them from their respective fame. Moreover, there is also a concern of whether someone else is practicing a concept that is similar to their, and only inexpensive, or based on an increasingly intimate ambiance. The restaurants are concerned about how to continue standing out competitively and have to even go extra mile to make sure that they have good competitive strategy. This will ensure they become a popular neighborhood restaurant, and achieve the need to be a destination. The era of Instagram is marred with food bloggers as well as review sites and hence the restaurants have to think of how to increasingly become appealing to every consumer. They must know their respective brands as well as determine what they need it to be. III - Marketing The marketing in the restaurant industry creates barriers due to increasingly expensive cost of undertaking marketing due to stiffer competition. Many established restaurants are already controlling the industry and compete against each other and against non-restaurant industries for factors of production. Accordingly, the cost of marketing affect the entire cost of starting and running the restaurant in the Cardiff Bay Area. Large and established restaurants have already created brands and loyal customers. They can charge low prices for foods even in the face of the increased cost of production and hence new ventures find it difficult to survive these competition strategies. They will, therefore, be locked out from entering the business to avoid inevitable losses. Only restaurant that can effectively establish as well as maintain their respective brands can find efficient ways to undertake marketing online and via additional ventures, including the media. This is because with the new restaurants, meal delivery services, and review websites and further presently, more than ever before, it remains essential for them to create and uphold their brands. However, this is increasingly challenging since the already existing and established firms have hiked the cost of marketing and hence new restaurants must use extremely huge funds to keep the pace which means a loss in profit. These established restaurants further complicates the marketing since they persistently engage in marketing strategies due to the bustling restaurant industry to survive the competition and increasing costs. Marketers must show that their respective staffs have maintained quality and service and built a sustainable restaurant brand that keeps a restaurant busy in the face of a bust and boom cycle. They must spend exorbitantly higher amount of money to market their products to instill customer loyalty since raising the prices becomes a huge deterrence to the customers from visiting the facility. The marketers must show that their respective meal delivery services has extended their brand as well as helped them find new customers. All these considered raise the marketing cost beyond the imaginable levels for the new ventures who will finally opt not to make entry into the industry (Morris, Schindehutte and Allen 2005). This is because many restaurants stand out as mission driven or those offering customers a unique, dinner party-esque experience must part with huge cash to accomplish their marketing goals. Other established restaurants have also employed excessive social media tactics with locations supporting neighborhood schools whereby they have to raise huge amount of funds. This means that any new venture must be prepared use much funds to market their products and create reasonable brands. Human Resources / Human Capital There are shortages for the workers in the Cardiff Bay Area for restaurants due to competition from both restaurants and non-restaurants. A full-service restaurant for example will be increasingly hard pressed to get a cook to work for fourteen dollars per hour. Moreover, on top of Cardiff Bay Area having the highest minimum wage compared to any given enormous city, workers have to pay the cost of the local health care ordinance of the city. This is 1.68 dollars per hour per worker for employers with twenty to ninety-nine employees. They will pay 2.53 dollars for employers with one hundred or additional workers. The restauranteurs moreover have a need to provide paid sick leave that some other jurisdictions have embraced. And currently, new paid parental leave benefits are added to the mix thereby creating barriers for new entrance to acquire labor. All these challenges considered, prior to even undertaking adjustments for market pressures for the workers wages, Cardiff Bay Area restaurants remain in at fifteen dollar to sixteen dollar per hour per worker on mandated costs. This is creating a barrier for a new entrance restaurant thereby locking them out of the industry. Moreover, there is no tip credit in the Cardiff Bay Area and hence everybody is compelled to make full minimum wage thereby increasing the cost of starting a new venture in the Cardiff Bay Area restaurant industry. This has really compelled the local restaurant to raise question regarding whether the restauranteurs are facing the economic model end of the restaurant as it is known. Since the Cardiff Bay Area is a high cost labor environment, there is no possibility of any restaurants including the new ventures to raise the prices since in doing so, mass consumers will be automatically alienated. The increase in wages means coupled with the shortage of affordable housing option further complicates the new entrance as this means that there are just not sufficient employees for the available number of restaurants in the Cardiff Bay Area. The labor pool is, therefore, increasingly getting shallower. Accordingly, the recruitment as well as retention of workers will re-surface as a top barrier for both new entrance restaurant operators as well as the existing ones, as a tighter national labor market implies a stiffer competition with other industries for the workers. The labor force demographics are further shifting to involve a greater proportion of older employees whereas the younger worker pool is diminishing. The new ventures, therefore, remain locked out of the industry as solely the established restaurants have the advantage to compete favorably for the few existing and expensive workers. In the Cardiff Bay Area just like in any other metropolitan regions, the cost of living remains extremely expensive thereby making extremely hard for the restauranteurs in the industry to partake in the industry especially the new ventures. Cooks are quitting the Cardiff Bay Area frequently for less expensive locales as well as shifting to technology corporations which offer lucrative pays besides benefits thereby making the competition in the industry for to be stiff amidst the local talent pool. The restaurants are compelled to share or poach workers, depending on the circumstance which even makes it extremely impossible for new entrance in the industry. Moreover, there is an increasing shortage of managers since the rising minimum wage has ensure that the industry becomes additionally lucrative to remain a server rather than in management. The concern circumventing remuneration is a creating a challenging barrier to the new entrance. This is because large and already established restaurants are seen as being able to control the entire revenue coming into the industry as a means to augment income stability for the house front, whereas raising the wages of the house back (Knotek and Terry 2009). This has also helped in professionalizing the work surrounding as well as establishes a different culture whereby workers think differently regarding their dedication and commitment to their respective duties or jobs. As a result of the lack of tip credit in the neighborhood, the gab witnessed between back and front of the house wages is hiked compared to any other place in the region. Accordingly, the restauranteurs are compelled to restructure their respective businesses models. This is aimed at removing the tipping, raise their respective prices and increase all their respective workers to extreme positive wages than the available minimum wage as well as providing workers with health insurance alongside other benefits (Information Resources Management Association 2015). All these restructuring works considered, the new entrances to the industry view it as the greatest barrier ever to entry. While there are certain initial issues among the group regarding the alteration, it has proved positive in attracting as well as retaining workforce for the established restaurants. This is making the new ventures to either pay more to attract workers or opt not to make entry into the market (Caywood 2012). Another barrier to the new entries related to the shortage of labor circumvents the question of how to raise nobility in the restaurant industry. In the Cardiff Bay Area, the restaurant work is never revered like it is in other areas. Where a young adult informs their respective parents they need to enter the culinary profession or commence a restaurant, they frequently discourages them. Working in the Cardiff Bay Area restaurant, something one-half of all adults have undertaken at particular time, is viewed as something one does to earn money whereas going via school, pursuing a career within the arts (Greenberg and Kates 2014). The new entrance also face barriers since only firms that have established can perform effective mentorship programmes that has been earmarked as essential in tackling the scarcity of labor in the Cardiff Bay Area restaurant industry. The industry key labor shortages are categorized into cooks and management. Restaurants are trapped in a dilemma to determine how chefs as owners or restaurant management cultivate the subsequent generation of talents and whether mentorship is something which requires to remain formal or embedded in the business culture (Ginty, Vaccarello and Leake 2011). Only firms that can think effectively how mentorship play a key role in the retention as well as promotion of the talent can survive in this extremely competitive industry. Conclusion It is apparent from the above discussion that restaurants industry in the Cardiff Bay Area face severe systemic barriers that not only drives out restaurants but also block new ones from entering the industry. The relevant vexing query regards the most effective path forward for restaurants to endure this competitive environment. The economic and competition climate has the Cardiff Bay Area restauranteurs deliberating severely regarding whether they are able to eradicate tipping as well as add service charges (Cockx and Picchio 2013). The restauranteurs remain in a dilemmatic condition of exploring whether they need to shift into a pre fix menu or come out of the full service business and subsequently move to quality casual. Indeed, the restauranteurs remain stranded on whether the tip line on bill for kitchen is effective because back-of-the-house workforce are unable to share in the tip pool. While certain restauranteurs are leaping into finding the new path, everyone is watching to see whether they need to attempt it as well (Carvalho 2015). Many restauranteurs have increased prices already whereas others have added surcharges where they did not initially have them placed. Everyone is seeking for answers as well as will continue to do so as long as possible before selecting the definitive path. Restauranteurs must seek to predict how the future will be to remain relevant in the industry. For a great percentage of restauranteurs it remains a bit uncertain. Nevertheless, presently more than ever before, it is essential that the restaurant industry support each other, educate consumers as well as share the respective best practices. References Arikan, A. 2008. Multichannel marketing: Metrics and methods for on and offline success. Indianapolis, Ind: Wiley Pub. Carvalho, P., 2015. Youth unemployment in Australia. Policy: A Journal of Public Policy and Ideas, 31(4), p.36. Caywood, C. L. 2012. The handbook of strategic public relations and integrated communications. Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill Professional. Cockx, B. and Picchio, M., 2013. Scarring effects of remaining unemployed for long?term unemployed school?leavers. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A (Statistics in Society), 176(4), pp.951-980. Ginty, M., Vaccarello, L. and Leake, W. 2011. 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Monday, December 2, 2019
Proposal for a Fitness Center Research Paper Example
Proposal for a Fitness Center Paper An on-site fitness center for Texas Instruments will prove to be advantageous to the company as well as its employees. Studies show that employees who exercise regularly are more productive, efficient, and pleasant to work with. Texas Instruments has the capability to increase employee retention, recruitment, and revenues by investing in a fitness center through Health Fitness Corporation. Health Fitness Corporation provides on-site fitness centers for numerous prestigious companies such as Best Buy and Federal Express. The positive relationships and results have more than qualified Health Fitness Corporation to provide Texas Instruments with a unique facility, designed to meet all of their personal needs. Among Health Fitness Corporations services are state-of-the-art equipment, the latest healthcare products, a knowledgeable staff, specialty classes, and employee incentive programs. The project will be divided into four phases, each with a certain purpose and timeline to achieve a specific goal. ?Phase I (Research and Development) This four month phase will involve evaluating the needs and desires of Texas Instruments employees. ?Phase II (Bidding and Structural Construction) This five month phase involves choosing the right contractor and building the facility. ?Phase III (Interior Development) This two month phase will involve renovating the interior of the facility to meet Texas Instruments custom desires. ?Phase IV (Trial Period) This one month process involves staffing the facility and providing training on the exercise equipment. Health Fitness Corporation offers two standard packages. Package A is less expensive to implement, but Package B offers greater revenues. We will write a custom essay sample on Proposal for a Fitness Center specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Proposal for a Fitness Center specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Proposal for a Fitness Center specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer After analyzing Texas Instruments, we believe that Package B will be the most beneficial to the company. Not only will this investment improve the financial status of Texas Instruments, but it will also develop stronger employee relationships. For each dollar Texas Instruments invests in this project, they will realize a greater increase in employee productivity. Many forward-thinking corporations are offering on-site fitness centers to their employees. Texas Instruments must join this trend or their company will be left behind in employee recruitment and retention. Health Fitness Corporation can help secure Texas Instruments leadership in the technology industry for years to come. Proposal to Open an On-site Fitness Center for Texas Instruments through Health Fitness Corporation Introduction Background Texas Instruments, Incorporated has been a leader in offering the latest and highest quality technologies since 1930. Among the many contributions to the success of Texas Instruments is its involvement in providing the United States with the equipment to remain the most technologically advanced nation. Success like this is a result of hard work on the part of the management as well as the employees. With the rapid advancement of technology, however, America lost track of a few more important aspects of living such as health. The year 2004 has presented itself with a bang. More and more Americans are coming to the realization that good health is the key to living the good life. A great deal of significance is being placed on the health and wellbeing of our country as a whole. In order to maintain a healthy, hardworking staff, Texas Instruments must ensure that each employee is performing to the best of their ability. Problem Healthy employees have been proven to be more productive and efficient to the company for which they work. With this knowledge, various companies, including Texas Instruments competitor, Casio, have built on-site health centers for employees. After doing so, Casio experienced steady growth and increased employee satisfaction. Texas Instruments is missing out on this opportunity for growth and extended employee relationships. By simply investing in a health center, Texas Instruments will increase recruiting, employee retention, and overall company expansion. Purpose The following proposal will elaborate on the remunerations of opening an on-site health center for the Texas Instruments location in Dallas and on the benefits of doing this project through Health Fitness Corporation. Included is an overview of Texas Instruments current status, an explanation of the benefits to both the employees and the corporation of Texas Instruments, and a timeline of how quickly and easily this project may be executed. There is also a brief description of the success Health Fitness Corporation has delivered to other companies, followed by financial information about the gains Texas Instruments can expect to see upon completion of this project. Why Invest in a Health Center? Benefits to Texas Instruments Company officials are just becoming aware of the benefits exercise has for the company. While having a healthier body may help each individual employee, the benefits to the company are numerous as well. With todays fast-paced workplace, the demand for sharp employees is greater than ever. In a study by Purdue University it was shown that people on moderate exercise programs have the ability to solve problems 25% faster with 25% greater accuracy. In the workplace, this translates to large gains in productivity. Exercising also reduces stress. Employees that are under less stress are more likely to have a larger output. Healthier employees are also less likely to need regular visits to their doctor. This means that in the long run company health care costs will be reduced. Benefits to Individual Employees For centuries people have known that exercise leads to a more healthy body. People that exercise have lower heart rates. Because the heart has been exercised, it is more efficient and can pump more blood resulting in better blood circulation (BUPA). People who exercise have a lesser risk of heart disease because of this. In addition to the heart, all of the bodys other muscles are being used as well. The benefits of working your muscles during exercise include greater flexibility; stronger, more healthy bones; long-term strengthening of immune system; and an overall sense of a greater well being (GSU Health and Fitness). Benefits that Other Companies Have Obtained As previous mentioned in the introduction, Casio has recently put into service an on-site fitness center for their employees. After doing so, Casio recognized a 5% increase in recruiting and a 10% increase in employee retention. This means that after investing in the health center, 90% of the employees from the previous year chose to renew their contracts and continue to work for Casio. Just one year before the center was built, only 80% of employees renewed their contracts. Figure 1 demonstrates the employee retention advantage Casio gained over Texas Instruments after the opening of the Casio fitness center in 2001.
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